8 Motorists Marooned by Snow Rescued
December 31st, 1934
Eight persons, marooned for 24 hours by a storm in the Barren bridge creek area, were rescued...
Good morning! Here is today's weather forecast from the National Weather Service.
Today: Mostly cloudy with a chance of snow. Highs 34 to 44. Lows 17 to 27.
Stork Takes Lead Over Grim Reaper
December 30th, 1934
The stork outdid the Grim Reaper better than two to one during 1940, according to vital statistics...
The California Highway Patrol (CHP) today announced the availability of nearly $27 million in grant funds to help local communities combat impaired driving.
The funding...
Good morning! Here is today's weather forecast from the National Weather Service.
Today Through Thursday: Mostly cloudy with a chance of snow. Highs 34 to 44. Lows 17...
Prisoner Seeks Turkey Dinner in Lassen Cell
December 29th, 1933
Clarence Halderman, disgruntled because he was released by the sheriff, thereby missing his turkey dinner in...