For nearly forty years now the Lassen County Office of Education has presented children of Lassen County with a special day all their own, a low-cost and family-friendly event held each May at the fairgrounds. It’s a favorite event among local families, a true sign of Susanville spring and every year it seems as if more children visit the fair, more groups and organizations participate and parents who visited the fair as children return to treat their own children to the experience.
Children’s Fair Coordinator James Hall explains that the purpose of the fair is, “to provide an opportunity for families to spend a pleasant day together that will hopefully reduce tobacco, substance, and child abuse within Lassen County.”
This year the fair will feature a big selection of community organization booths providing resource information and activities for students along with a vehicle display and face painting.
Entertainment at the Children’s Fair will include dancers from J&J Performing Arts who will take to the stage at noon.
Dandy the Smokeless Dragon will be sharing lots of fun resources with his new Kick It campaign and the LCOE and Community Summer reading program will kick off.
Lassen Youth Soccer will be holding registration at a discounted price and the Lassen Volcanoes Swim Team will be having a drawing for two Yetis to support the team.
Lassen Youth Football and Star Elite Cheer will also be participating in the event.
“The Children’s Fair is intended to be a benefit to the community and not a profit-making opportunity,” explains Hall. “Be sure to come and join in the fun.”
Admission is free and the Children’s Fair is open on Saturday, May 7th, from 10:00a.m. until 4:00p.m., rain or shine, at the Lassen County Fairgrounds.
For more information you can call the Lassen County Office of Education at 1.530.251.8711.