Just after dawn on Sunday 4H and FFA exhibitors will make their way to the judging pavilion at the fairgrounds, ending months of grooming, training, feeding, conditioning and care of their prized animals, to be sold at the fair’s annual Junior Livestock Auction.
Jr. Livestock exhibitors purchase their market animals in the Fall or Spring depending on species and are responsible for feeding, grooming and taking care of their animal. They are also responsible for calculating their average daily gain (how many pounds they need to gain per day) to produce the best quality meat product for the buyer.
The 4H and FFA kids spend the week at the fair, taking care of their animals, showing their animals and making friendships and connections that can become lifelong.
After a long hot week of washing, grooming and showing, the Jr. Livestock Auction is where the kids will sell their animals.
“We just want everyone to come out and support the kids. This is a way for the youth to excel in life and help further their education. They are our future,” said Fair Manager Jim Wolcott.
Are you interested in participating in this year’s auction? Here are some helpful details supplied by the Auction Committee:
Ways to Buy
Home Use – You can purchase the entire animal for home use. You pay the total saleprice bid at the time of the sale. Bid price does not include processing fees. Buyer should contact Idaho Grocery within 5 days of sale with cutting instructions. Meat will not be released until payment is received.
Resale – Buyers not wanting to keep their purchased animal pay only the difference between the final bid price and resale value listed in the program based on the floor prices set by livestock markets. The floorbuyer (packer) will take the animal and the successful bidder pays only the support amount. The floor price will be set prior to the sale and will be published in the sale program.
For example, suppose you bid $370 for a 100-pound lamb. The floor price is $.70/ lb., the sale price is then $70. Your cost = $300.
Split Buying – Two or more individuals, families, businesses, or organizations may wish to split the cost of an animal. This reduces the cost to any one person or group and reduces the amount of meat each will receive. Notify the auctioneer of the combination of bidders at the time of bidding or at registration.
How is a purchase made?
• Register with sales table when you arrive. Get your buyer number.
• When you wish to place a bid on the animal in the ring, raise your hand until the ring man acknowledges your bid.
• Bids are based on dollars per pound. The buyer is the highest bidder.
• Upon being recognized as the buyer, you will be asked for the name of the business or group which you represent.
(Business cards are encouraged to assure proper recognition by the auctioneer.)
• A member of the auction committee will bring a sales receipt to you. You will verify the sale price and indicate whatyou wish to do with the animal.
Ways to use your purchase.
Individuals obtain top quality beef, pork and lamb. Your friends and neighbors can share a purchase. Businesses can use purchase for an employee barbeque, good will gifts, or resale to employees at market price. Organizations may auction off wrapped meat as a fundraiser or use the purchase for a club barbeque.
Please make checks payable toLassen Junior livestock Auction. Payment is encouraged the day of the sale.
The 4H and FFA Junior Livestock Auction will be held this Sunday morning, July 19th, in the judging pavilion at the fairgrounds. Buyer registration and a good morning social begin at 8:30. The auction begins at 9:00.