Home Local & Regional News 9th Annual Walk-A-Mile Event Returns to Memorial Park April 30th

9th Annual Walk-A-Mile Event Returns to Memorial Park April 30th


Lassen Family Service’s 9th annual Walk-A-Mile event, a mile-long color walk through mid-town Susanville to support survivors of sexual assault and child abuse, will be held Saturday, April 30th in Memorial Park.

LFS hosts the event annually at the end of National Crime Victims’ Rights Week to make the community aware of the prevalence of these crimes and to provide information on the support services offered in Lassen County.

Activities will be held in the park from 10:00a.m., and 2:00p.m.

If your agency would like to have a booth at Walk-A-Mile, please contact Lassen Family Services.

For more information, please call 1.530.257.5459 or email kendra.zaengle@lassenfamilyservices.org

To register for the walk, which begins at 10:00a.m., follow this link to Eventbrite.

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