The Lassen County Arts Council will be presenting an evening of Words and Music June 9th, featuring Poet Lara Gularte, with readings by Dianna Henning and June Sanders. Jeremy Couso will be the featured musician.
The program will be held at the Arts Council’s Gallery on Cottage Street from 7:00 until 9:00p.m., with free admission.
There will be an open mic, and refreshments offered, along with a literary quiz where prizes are given out for correct answers.
El Dorado County Poet Laureate Lara Gularte who will read from her new book “Fourth World Woman” and from her 2018 “Kissing the Bee.”
Gularte lives and writes in the Sierra Foothills of California, and she is El Dorado County Poet Laureate 2021-2023. Her book of poetry, Fourth World Woman, was recently published by “Finishing Line Press.”
June Sanders enjoys photographing deer, birds, bears, and bobcats that come to the backyard water fountain. The Lassen County Times and Lake Tahoe Ski magazine have published her wildlife and landscape photography.
She likes reading, writing, playing piano, and camping. Her poems have been included in several small press books, including “What the Elephant Said to the Peacock” and “Poems to Keep” by Dempsey and Windle, UK; Eureka!, a tiny Poems-For-All book published by Robert Hansen, San Diego; and in several online publications including Writing in a Woman’s Voice, Your Daily Poem, Verse-Virtual, and One Sentence Poems. A micro-book published by Ethelzine is due out this summer.
Dianna Henning taught through California Poets in the Schools, received several CAC grants for teaching poetry, and taught poetry workshops through the William James Association’s Prison Arts Program, including Folsom Prison. She holds an MFA from Vermont College.
Some of her publications, in part: MacQueen’s Quinterly; Artemis Journal; The Adirondack Review; Memoir Magazine; The Plague Papers, edited by Robbi Nester; Pacific Poetry and New American Writing. 2021 Nomination by The Adirondack Review for a Pushcart Prize.
MFA in Writing ’89 from Vermont College, Montpelier. Her fourth poetry book “Camaraderie of the Marvelous” published by Kelsay Books Sept. 2021. Six-time Pushcart Nominee. Dianna was awarded a fellowship by Eastern Washington University to the Dublin Writers’ Center.
For more information, call the Lassen County Arts Council at 257-5222.