Hey kids, are you looking for a fun way to spend the summer while learning about art? The Lassen County Arts Council is presenting a series of workshops between now and July 27th focused on letting you dabble in all sorts of different artistic mediums.
The Summer Art Program is held Mondays and Wednesdays; workshops are held for ages 6 to 12 from 10:00a.m. to 12:00 and for ages 13 through 18 workshops are scheduled from 1:00 to 3:00p.m.
Classes are limited to 16 children per workshop so you will want to sign-up soon. Each workshop is $5 per child. Due to limited capacity the Arts Council is strongly encouraging parents to prepay for workshops to guarantee their child’s seat.
Stop by the Gallery Monday through Friday, 12:00 to 4:00p.m. to prepay and sign-up your child for one or all of the workshops. You can download the registration form here and either walk-in or mail-in your completed form and payment.
The Arts Council also has scholarships available for children whose families qualify, please call the Gallery for more information.
For information call the Arts Council at 257-5222 or visit the Arts Council online at http://www.lassencountyartscouncil.org/summer-art-program.html
Workshop Schedule
July 25 Pointillism with Lisa Pickens
Ages 6-12 The Students will learn how to create a geometrical shape pointillism picture with markers and pens using only dots.
Ages 13-18 The student will learn how to create a shelf portrait pointillism with markers and pens using only dots.
July 27 Dance Floor Dancing 101 with Alex McElrath
Students will learn standard and versatile motions and steps in addition to technique to provide enhanced confidence when dancing with their peers. Students should not wear shoes with traction (hiking boots) and the shoe must have a strap (no flip flops).