Banner Alzheimer’s Institute has announced a new, free webinar series entitled ‘Dementia Dialogues,’ to provide caregivers with helpful information and tools to better understand and care for loved ones living with dementia.
Since caring for somebody with dementia can be time consuming, confusing and difficult, the Dementia Dialogues educational series will be fully accessible from anywhere at any time with full lecture information available online and accompanying audio versions as well.
Webinars will be hosted on the third Wednesday of each month from 11:00a.m. to 1:00p.m. and can be viewed on the Banner Alzheimer’s website after the initial showing. Every month, a new topic surrounding Alzheimer’s and dementia care will be discussed by experts and guest caregivers.
The dates and topics of each webinar are as follows:
- March 18 – Planning for Care Across the Stages of Dementia
- April 15 – Alzheimer’s Medications: What They Are, What They Aren’t and What You Need to Know
- May 20 – Planning Successful Travel
- June 17 – Men as Caregivers
- July 15 – Understanding Psychosis
- Aug. 19 – Maintaining Realistic Expectations as Dementia Progressed
- Sept. 16 – Best Lessons from Powerful Tools for Caregiving
- Oct. 21 – How and When to Execute Powers of Attorney
- Nov. 18 – Preparing for the Holidays
- Dec. 16 – The Gift of Presence
Dementia affects not only the person living with it, but the family members and friends of that person as well. Having the best information and advice can help the caregivers provide the best care and support for their loved one. From the comfort of your own home or office anywhere, you can learn from experts in dementia care.
For more information about the series, contact Veronica Flores at Banner Sun Health Research Institute at (623) 832-3248, or visit