The Lassen County Fair Parade is just a little over a week away and floats and entries are being built all over town in preparation for this year’s big event.
The annual parade is a terrific showcase for your business or organization, with a chance to win awards in more than 21 categories.
The Lassen County Chamber of Commerce will once again be coordinating the parade, set to begin at 10:00a.m. on Saturday, July 21st.
Parade check-in will begin at 9:00 the morning of the parade in front of the uptown Post Office, which is located across from the Masonic Hall, 84 North Lassen Street. Parade entrants will receive their parade number and line-up location at check-in.
Parade participants may distribute candy or other attractive objects to roadside spectators only by hand. No other kind of distribution will be allowed, including, but not limited to throwing, tossing, dropping, pressurized candy-canons etc.
In order to be eligible for trophies and ribbons, entries must be returned by 4:00p.m., Monday July 16th.
To download an entry form just follow this link. You can also download the complete rules for the event here.
For information about joining in the fair parade fun you can call the chamber office at 530.257.4323. Follow this link to the fair’s website for more information.
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