The Bureau of Land Management Northern California District Resource Advisory Council will discuss a range of public land management topics in a meeting to be held virtually via Zoom on Wednesday, February 5th, beginning at 9:00a.m. The council will hear public comments at 11:00.
Agenda topics include a presentation from the Forest Service on their administration of the Federal Lands Recreation Enhancement Act, a status report on implantation of provisions in the BLM Northwest California Integrated Resource Management Plan, a discussion about wild horse management within the BLM Northern California District, suggestions about increasing wild horse adoption numbers and a status report on recent land acquisitions into public ownership.
The council will also hear a report from the BLM California state director and from managers of the Arcata, Applegate, Eagle Lake and Redding field offices.
Members of the public can participate via Zoom. Meeting ID: 161 071 4713, passcode 446400. Participants can also telephone into the meeting by dialing 669-254-5252.
The 15-member council is composed of varied public land interests including recreation, livestock grazing, timber and forest products, environmental organizations, wild horse and burro management, local government, the academic sector, state natural resource agencies and the public at large. It focuses on lands managed by the Northern California District, which includes land in far northwest Nevada.
More information is available from BLM Public Affairs Officer Jeff Fontana, 530-260-0189.