Shop local for all your back to school needs….
Local businesses give back so much to our community in the way of youth sports, youth programs, sponsoring community events and they provide the people in our community with jobs. If we all make an effort to “Shop Local,” then we have played our part in helping support the local economy. Stop in a local business today and make sure to tell them you saw this on!
Johnson’s Family shoes has been servicing Susanville for over 40 years. Located at 714 Main St. you can find Vans, DC shoes and sketchers.
For more information contact:Johnson’s Family Shoes – (530) 257-2331
Hours: Mon-Fri 9:30-5:30, Sat 9:30-5, Sunday Closed
The Pardner is now carrying Miss Me Jeans and a variety of girls and boys clothing. Stock up on cute Cruel Girl tops and stylish button ups for the boys. For more information contact:The Pardner
702-100 Johnstonville Road
Susanville, CA96130-9705
Phone: (530) 257-5176