We have had a busy first month as 4-H Ambassadors! Our focus for September was to make sure we attended every 4-H Club in Lassen County’s first meeting of the new year!
Some meetings were on the same night, so we had to divide and conquer.
We successfully visited Lake, Milford, Johnstonville, Richmond, Standish, South County and Dyer Mountain’s 4-H Club meetings. We will be visiting Thompson Peak the last week of the month.
At each meeting we introduced ourselves and played an ice breaker to get to know the kids. It was a lot of fun!
We had the honor of attending the first meeting of the newly reopened South County 4-H.
We helped guide the new membership through their officer elections and had a great day.
If you’re interested in joining 4-H and live in the South County area, there is now a club closer to you.
October 2nd-8th is National 4-H Week. Richmond 4-H puts together a baby basket for the first baby born during National 4-H Week. Milford 4-H is hosting their coloring contest with three age division winners.
Some projects that other 4-H Clubs participate in are taking goodies to their teachers at school, wearing their 4-H shirt to class, giving a presentation to their school about 4-H and putting posters up at local businesses.
If you don’t follow Lassen County 4-H on Facebook, please do – so many of these updates will be there!
You will also notice that we are continuing the Lassen County 4-H Hall of Fame and this year’s inductees will be presented throughout National 4-H Week right here on Susanvillestuff.com.
Our first big job as Ambassadors is to host Achievement Night. Achievement night will take place at Sentimental Journey Ranch, October 9th from 3-5 pm rounding out National 4-H Week. The theme is “Disney in the Barn.”
This year, to earn the Spirit Stick award, we decided to do a scarecrow contest, to encourage more entries in the Lassen County Fair. Each club has been assigned a Disney movie to base their scarecrow off. Scarecrow set up is from 2-3pm.
There is no potluck this year, all food and drinks will be provided! There will be fun Disney themed games and entertainment throughout the evening, and we encourage every returning 4-H member to come.
Thank you for taking the time to read Ambassadors Corner! We can’t wait to share more!
Respectfully, Lily Ammon & Maddi Johnson