Tuesday, February 11, 2025
HomeAnnouncementsCalling All Homebrewers! LL&TT Holding Homebrew Festival May 7th

Calling All Homebrewers! LL&TT Holding Homebrew Festival May 7th

At the 2019 Homebrew Festival -photo submitted

The Lassen Land and Trails Trust is hosting its third annual Lassen County Homebrew Competition on May 7th, to support activities in conservation, working landscapes and trails. Homebrewers of all varieties of beers are encouraged to participate.

“We are hoping that beer makers will begin planning their brews for this friendly competition that raises funds for our work in conservation, trails and environmental education,” said Andrew Johnson, a member of the LLTT board of directors.

Brewers can enter any category of beer, either bottled or in kegs. They must provide five gallons of beer for judging and public tasting for each style of beer they enter and are encouraged to pour their brews at the event. Entry forms are available online at lassenlandandtrailstrust.org.

Beer tasting and judging will be held Saturday, May 7th, from 5:00 to 8:00p.m., at the Historic Susanville Railroad Depot, 601 Richmond Road.

Proceeds will support Nature Camp, upgraded visitor amenities at the Depot, and management of conservation easements that conserve working lands and Lassen County’s rural way of life.

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