Sunday, September 8, 2024

Category: TheGoodStuff

The Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett

by Shelley Bennett Last Friday as I drove up Main Street, I noticed that the Sierra Theatre looked closed. A glance at the marquee confirmed...

The Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett

by Shelley Bennett Last weekend’s cold snap and rainstorm was a harsh reminder that Summer is coming to an end with Autumn and Winter close...

The Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett

by Shelley Bennett Scattered among the “First Day of School” posts are the “College Drop Off” posts. Both are written by proud parents sharing their...

The Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett

by Shelley Bennett The first Olympics I remember was during the Summer of 1976. I have a clear memory of sitting on my grandma Speake’s...

The Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett

by Shelley Bennett Naming a building or facility after someone can be tricky. Everyone involved will have an opinion about who is worthy of this...

The Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett

by Shelley Bennett Your Lassen High School Grizzliettes are getting prepared for the upcoming football season and are excited to perform under the Friday Night...

The Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett

The Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett

The Good Stuff by Shelley Bennett