Lassen County Chamber of Commerce Weekly Update
by Patti Hagata, Executive Director
Learn about the 2013 California labor law changes that affect all California businesses by attending the “2013 Labor Law Update Workshop” that will be held on Wednesday, January 23, 2013, 2pm to 4pm, at the Business & Career Network, located at 1616 Chestnut Street, Susanville. Learn the latest information including rules regarding social media and personal passwords, inspection of personnel records, fixed salaries and overtime, wage garnishment, workers compensation reform, pregnancy disability leave regulations, what laws apply to your business and much more. For more information about the workshop and to reserve your seat contact Terri Haynes at 257-5057, cost is $39 per person. All mandatory posters and pamphlets will be available for order at this workshop.
The Chamber has received the order of 2013 Labor Law posters. If you pre-ordered a poster they are now available for pickup at the Chamber office. A few extra were ordered and are available for sale on a first come first served basis the cost is $25 per poster for Chamber members or/ $35 per poster for non- chamber members.
The Lassen County Cattlemen and Cattlewomen will present the 25th annual “A Taste of Beef, A Sip of Wine” Friday, February 1, 2013, from 5:30 to 8:30pm, at the Susanville Elk’s Lodge. Tickets can be purchased at the Pardner or Chamber office, cost is $28 per person presale/or $30 at the door. Proceeds raised benefit local youth activities, scholarships, and agriculture in the classroom.
If your business, club, or organization is planning a special event be sure to forward the information to the Chamber office so the information can be added to the calendar and we can help you get the word out about your event. This is a free service provided to the entire community. For a complete list of events planned in Lassen County log on to and click on “event calendar”.