Patti Hagata, Executive Director
The Chamber board will meet on Thursday, March 8th for the monthly board meeting beginning at noon, at Diamond Mountain Casino, in the hotel Conference Room.
The board encourages public attendance and comment; if you would like to address the board please contact the office staff prior to the board meeting so that you can be added to the agenda.
All Chamber committees are in full swing and preparing for upcoming events; you do not need to be on the board to serve on committees, we encourage your involvement!
If you would like to serve on any committee please contact us at the chamber office, 257-4323.
Committees are also seeking sponsors for events; call the Chamber if you are interested in becoming an event sponsor.
The Business and Career Network will be hosting the 2012 Lassen Job Fair on Saturday, March 31, 2012, from 9am to 12pm, in Jensen Hall at the Lassen County Fairgrounds. Market your business to hundreds of job seekers in just one day.
This gives your business the opportunity to meet and immediately interview job ready applicants as well as create an applicant pool for future hiring needs. Reserve your space to participate by March 15th and your business will be included in event advertising. Contact the Business and Career Network for further information and to register at 257-5057.
The 2012 Spring Home, Garden, and Outdoor Recreation Show is planned for Saturday, April 28th at the Lassen County Fairgrounds. If you would like to participate at this year’s event log on the Chamber website to download a registration form at
The show draws an average of 1500 people to the one day event each year. This is a great way to promote your business to a large audience with little expense and great exposure. 10’x10’booth spaces are available at $40/chamber member rate or $55/ non-Chamber member rate. Spaces do fill up quickly and are assigned on a first-come-first served basis.