It’s a good idea to take a second look at any cash you might be handling this week as Susanville Police Chief Kevin Jones warns that his department is receiving an elevated number of reports that counterfeit bills are being circulated throughout the community and local businesses.
“Over the last several weeks, we have had an increasing report of counterfeit bills being passed within the City of Susanville,” said Jones. “Thus far, only $20’s and $100’s bills have been reported.”
In most cases, according to Chief Jones, the color and feel of the bill appear to be slightly off.
“Diamond Mountain Casino has been primarily responsible in the discovery of these bills and identification of the people who have passed the fake bills,” said Jones. “We have coordinated our efforts with them as we continue to report these to the U.S. Secret Service.”
“We are making sure to notify all local businesses to keep an extra eye out for these bills. Make sure to double check your bills when receiving them.”
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