A new program announced by the City of Susanville will coordinate volunteers and sponsors of twenty-one segments of the Susan River trail between Alexander Avenue and Highway 36. Each sponsoring group will be responsible for cleanup of a 100-yard segment of the trail at least once every two months.
“The Susanville City Council has established improving the Susan River Trail as one of its top priorities,” explains City Administrator Dan Newton. “In recent years, there has been incredible community support through clean-up efforts to keep the Susan River Trail a popular and beautiful trail.”
The city’s Adopt-A-River Trail Program provides an avenue for individuals, organizations, or businesses to help maintain sections of the Susan River Trail and promote civic responsibility, community pride and camaraderie within organizations or groups.
The river trail has been divided into twenty-one sections, and the city will identify the adopted section with an aluminum sign displaying the participating group, organization, or individuals name and/or logo. The city will place each sign in a prominent, visible location along the trail.
Safety vests, trash bags, gloves, trash collection pick-up and hazardous waste disposal prior to each cleanup activity will all be provided by the city.
Adopt-A-River Trail Program participants commitment will be to perform litter and trash removal on their adopted segment every two months for a period of two years, or as conditions warrant, and report any hazardous waste items to the City of Susanville Public Works or Susanville Police Department.
For more information on the program please click here or call Jolene Arredondo at (530) 252-5106.