by Jeremy Couso
SusanvilleStuff Publisher
Hello again friends and neighbors! Welcome to another week in the best part of California!
The Susanville Solstice
Susanville’s annual Fall Solstice happens tomorrow, October 29th, at precisely 7:29a.m., when sunrise aligns with Susanville’s Main Street.
For just a few minutes following sunrise buildings on both sides of Main Street are illuminated equally and odd shadows parallel the street from the Elks Lodge all the way down to the big bend at Mesa Street.
It’s a unique event that happens twice a year just by natural coincidence – depending on the year it occurs on October 29th or 30th and then again on February 10th or 11th.
“But the Winter Solstice isn’t until December,” some people feel the need to point out. But this is not that, this is the Susanville Solstice. Relax.
When you think back over time, the hardest, worst winter storms always seem to happen between the end of October and the middle of February, so these two solstices are actually a pretty good bookend for our Susanville winters.
So, what do you do on a Susanville Solstice morning? Well, lots of us meet uptown to take pictures. The show only lasts a few minutes and there are so many unique things to photograph during the alignment.
In past years photographers, including world-famous-outdoor-adventure-photographer Randy Robbins, show up with their cameras to shoot the unique scene about ten minutes before sunrise. It’s like a fun, very short, party to celebrate the occasion.
Necessarily short, because it gets pretty cold standing around on Main Street waiting for the sun to come up.
The weather experts at the National Weather Service office in Reno are saying we should have partly cloudy skies tomorrow, and we might get a beautiful sunrise to take pictures of so grab your cameras and come join us at the top of Main Street. See you there!
Time Change Next Week
When we first started twenty years ago I would remind people each year to set their clocks back and to check the batteries in their smoke detectors. But then technology advanced and everybody’s clocks started updating themselves! And then they started making disposable smoke detectors with batteries that last for ten years.
Advancement in technology is slowly making me obsolete. I can see the handwriting on the wall. But if you need a reminder, the clocks will be moving next Sunday, November 6th. Whether you tell them to or not.
Thank You Mr. Muttera
Bill Muttera, longtime Susanville State Farm Insurance Agent, is such a nice guy and he does things for this community whenever he sees a need arise, whether or not it garners attention for his business or him personally. He just does things that need doing.
This is a picture of him delivering pet food and bleach to the Lassen County Animal Shelter because they put out a call for these items. Bill is very illustrative of a community member who actively seeks out needs and addresses them without requiring fanfare or applause.
Lassen CrimeStoppers Raffle
Our big Lassen Crime Stoppers raffle fundraiser is going on and the deadline to buy your tickets is today at 4:00p.m. The winners of the raffle items will be drawn live on the air Saturday afternoon at 4:00 on Lassen CrimeStoppers’ Facebook page.
A sheet of tickets to enter to win items are $10 each and with each sheet you get 25-chances to win. You can pick which items you want and enter to win multiple items.
Click here to download the raffle flyer with photos and descriptions of all sixteen raffle items.
Buy your tickets at Lassen County Federal Credit Union on Riverside Drive or call 1.530.502.TIPS.
There is neat stuff donated by local businesses and all of the money raised goes to CrimeStoppers primary mission of giving out monetary rewards to help reduce crime in Lassen County.
Have a great weekend everybody!