The Double Eagle Scottish Rite Club held it’s annual Maundy Thursday observance last week at the Masonic Hall in Susanville. The special ceremony, one of the Scottish Rite’s most important, takes place each year on the Thursday before Easter.
This year’s Maundy Thursday ceremony marked on important milestone for one local member – Charles E. Bos, 32Ëš of Janesville, was recognized for his 50-years as a member of the Scottish Rite Masons and presented with the special ‘blue’ cap denoting his status.
Representing the Sacramento Bodies of the Scottish Rite was the Personal Representative of the SGIG in California, Fred Sorsabal, 33Ëš and the Wise Master, Daniel Segalas, 32Ëš KCCH.
Additionally, Chuck Bos was recognized for being a 50-year member of the Shrine by the Potentate of Ben Ali Shrine in Sacramento, Sid Leutholtz.
Scottish Rite member Jim Chapman explained it is not often that we get the heads of the major Masonic organizations in Northern California in town at the same time to honor one of our own.