Dr. Bateson, Susanville’s resident meteorological expert, checks in with a look at moisture totals for our area. On the morning of June 6th Bateson measured 1.05 inches of rain, bringing us up to 1.65 inches of rain for the month! That’s 330% of average for the entire month with 23 days left to go.
According to Dr. Bateson, “this is the third best June in the past 30 years and I am sure it has broken all records for the first 6 days of June.”
“The most rain received in June was in 1995 at 2.42 inches or 484% of average. That’s the year that Eagle Lake came up 7.5 feet in one winter.”
The next best rainfall, according to the doctor’s records, was in June of 2009 when we received 1.77 inches for the month, or 354% of average. We only need .13 inches to make this the second best June in the past 30 years.