Lassen County residents who experienced damages associated with the rain event occurring between February 9th, 2017 and February 11th, 2017; are asked to call (530) 931-8363, to report damages that occurred to businesses and residential properties.
Reporting damage information to (530) 931-8363, will assist Local and Emergency Management Officials in assessing the overall impact of the rain event.
When you call, you will be asked to provide your name, address, contact phone number, type and extent of damage and if you have flood insurance.
Lassen Recovery Line’s regular business hours are Monday through Friday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm. If you call after hours, please leave a message and someone will be in contact with you the next regular business day.
In emergency cases, please continue to call 9-1-1.
Lassen County Environmental Health has information regarding private well testing and possible water contamination, septic systems, and mold concerns. They can be reached at (530) 251-8528.
Additional resources and important phone numbers are listed below:
American Red Cross: (844) 236-0153
Salvation Army: (530) 257-0314
Lassen County Planning and Building Services: (530) 251-8269
City of Susanville Building Department: (530) 252-5118
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