Home Local & Regional News Fire Safe Council Applies for CCI Fire Prevention Program, Dyer Mountain WUI...

Fire Safe Council Applies for CCI Fire Prevention Program, Dyer Mountain WUI Fuels Treatment Project

Katlyn Lonergan, LFSC Firewise Communities Liaison and John Miller, Clear Creek Fire Chief present Ivan Hauser, Lassen Modoc Unit Forester with Petitions in Support of the proposed Dyer Mountain WUI Fuel Treatments Project.

The Lassen Fire Safe Council, Inc. is applying to California Climate Investment’s CAL FIRE/Fire Prevention Program for the Dyer Mountain Wildland Urban Interface Fuels Treatment Project.

The funds will go toward hazardous fuels treatments in the communities of Clear Creek, Westwood, Pine Town, and near Hamilton Branch. The surrounding landscape is also included in the project area for more effective treatments to prevent wildfire in the communities.

Successful partnerships have made this grant application possible, including: CAL FIRE- Lassen Modoc Unit, Westwood, Clear Creek and Peninsula Fire Departments, Westwood and Clear Creek Community Services Districts, Honey Lake Valley RCD, Sierra Pacific Industries, WM Beaty & Associates, PG&E and Honey Lake Power.

With the help of community leaders, the Dyer Mountain communities were able to gather more than 350 signatures to show interest and support in the hazardous fuel treatments.

If funded, the treatments will begin in late summer of this year and continue over the next 5-years.

There is no cost to landowners and communication throughout the entire process is encouraged on all sides. The more neighbors that receive treatment together, the healthier and safer their forests become. LFSC has also seen many recipients also receive reduced rates or improved eligibility status for insurance on their homes.

Please contact Katlyn Lonergan (katlyn.lonergan@lassenfiresafecouncil.org OR 530 251-5560 at LFSC for questions or interest in the project.

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