Updated 3:30p.m.
Great job everybody! It only took 2 hours for generous folks to fill two police cars and a truck with items for Lassen Family Services’ food shelf. Police officers collected donations for the food shelf during the ‘Cram the Cruiser’ event in the Susanville Supermarket IGA parking lot.
Come on down and join us between now and 5pm for Cram the Cruiser at Susanville Supermarket IGA!
Lassen Family Services is teaming up with the Susanville Police Department and IGA Susanville Supermarket today, December 15th, for a ‘Cram the Cruiser’ food drive between 1:00 and 5:00p.m. in grocery store’s parking lot.
Food donations will go to the Lassen Family Services food pantry and those in need this holiday season.
Lassen Family Services’ food shelf is in desperate need according to event organizer Heather Roney and they are asking everyone’s help in ‘Cramming the Cruiser’ as full and as fast as they can.
For more information call 257-5459.