In order for visitors to continue to safely enjoy our national forests and reduce wildfire risk this summer, the USDA Forest Service Pacific Southwest Region reminds everyone of the prohibition of any processing materials or substances to create an explosive, the use of any fireworks or pyrotechnics, or the use of any internal or external combustion engine without a spark arrestor.
Regional Order 22-01 has been re-issued and remains in effect until May 29, 2025.
In 2021, 1,120 wildfires burned approximately 1.8 million acres of National Forest System Lands in California. A total of 8,835 wildfires burned over 2.5 million acres across all jurisdictions in the state.
A drier than normal rainy season has impacted fuel moisture levels, and the seasonal fire outlook remains above average for the year. The elevated fire outlook strains our recreation and fire resources.
The exemption to Regional Order No. 22-01 includes any federal, state or local officer, or member of an organized rescue or firefighting force in the performance of an official duty.
Additionally, any persons with a Forest Service Permit No. FS-7700-48 (Permit for Use of Road, Trails, or Areas Restricted by Regulation or Order), are exempt from this Order.
According to the Forest Service, more than 90 percent of all fires are human caused.
“We need all Californians now, more than ever, to help prepare for and prevent wildfires. Your proactive efforts can prevent fires from starting and exponentially reduce the movement and intensity of fires when they do ignite.”
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