by Jessie Diermier
Education Coordinator
Lassen Land and Trails Trust
A team of youth and adult volunteers pulled over 20 pounds of trash from the Susan River and completed a maintenance project on the Bizz Johnson National Recreation Trail as part of the Great Sierra River Cleanup and National Public Lands Day, Saturday, September 19.
The projects were hosted by the Lassen County Environmental Education Collaborative.
The adventure began below the trestle at Devil’s Corral. The group of 11 student volunteers and 5 adults diligently scoured the river bank and removed items including a television set (minus the glass), a squashed, brass teakettle and more common items such as empty Burgie beer and soda cans.
Local results were sent to the Sierra Nevada Conservancy (SNC) to add to their overall tally for the annual Sierra River Cleanup that attracted more than 2,800 volunteers across the Sierra.
In the afternoon the group celebrated National Public Lands Day, by completing maintenance work on the Bizz Johnson Trail west of the Devil’s Corral trestle. The project will help prepare the trail for October’s Bizz Johnson Marathon, which brings runners from across the country and around the world to our community.
Lassen National Forest Safety Officer Mike Martinez instructed volunteers on best safety practices for using McCleods, handsaws, bowsaws and loppers. Volunteer Quincy McCourt led the workers down the trail. The small crew groomed close to 1,500 feet of trail while removing litter.
“The Collaborative is grateful for the service provided by the determined student volunteers from the Susanville Soroptomist S-Club, their instructors, the LHS Cadet Corps and volunteers Mike Martinez and Quincy McCourt,” said coordinator Jessie Diermier. “Thanks also to KC Pasero of the Lassen National Forest and Stan Bales from the Bureau of Land Management and Amy Holmen of Lassen Land and Trails Trust for coordinating the event and arranging for tools and materials.”
This event is a program of the LCEEC, a partnership of the BLM Eagle Lake Field Office, Lassen National Forest, the Lassen County Office of Education and Lassen Land and Trails Trust. For more information about the Collaborative, the Trust, their work or about trails to enjoy, please visit