Jeremy Swayze, an eighth-grader at Janesville elementary school, has been chosen as a ‘People to People’ Student Ambassador to the British Isles and is now fundraising, working and trying to earn money to go to Europe this summer.
The People to People Ambassador Program, founded by President Dwight Eisenhower, sends a number of young people each year to other countries in a program designed to engender good will among nations.
Swayze will be traveling with a delegation of kids his own age, led by experienced teachers on a journey that will take the group to historical sites, famous landmarks and unique cultural points of interest. The Student Ambassadors will even get to meet a Member of the British Parliament.
“Our 19-day route will start by flying into Ireland, we’ll sail to Wales, go to London, take an overnight ferry to France, and then we will go to Belgium and the Netherlands. It’s going to be a whirlwind tour.”
Along the way, we’ll be eating some interesting local foods. Think Haggis!
Curious about what kind of student you have to be to receive the honor? Swayze has been on the honor roll for all seven and a half years. He has been in 4-H for four years and Boy Scouts for seven years. Swayze also played for the seventh and eighth grade basketball team.
In closing Jeremy says, “Thank you for your time. I appreciate any consideration and assistance you could give. I am a hard worker and capable of many different chores ranging from animal care to wood hauling.”
If you have any questions or ideas that may help Jeremy get a little closer to his goal please contact him at, 530 310-1846 or at [email protected].