Jared and Jessica Ramsey Welcome Kadence Marie Ramsey born June 24, 2015 at 8:24 am. Kadence weighed 7 lbs 4 oz and was 18.5 inches.
Maternal Grandparents: Cyndie Brophy of Susanville, CA and Miles Utzerath of San Jose, CA
Paternal Grandparents: Randy and Cathy Ramsey of Ukiah, CA
Maternal Great Grandparents: Barbara Newsone and Ed (Pappa) of Yuba City, CA and Joanne and Richard Utzerath of San Jose, CA
Paternal Great Grandparents: Leon and Jean Ranney of Maysville, CA and Ray and Marjorie Ramsey of Marysville, CA
Kadence is the Great Great Great Great Grand Daughter of Nicholas Clark, a Pioneer of Lassen County.
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