Monday, March 6
Westwood Bingo is every Monday night at 125 Birch St., in Westwood. $10 per ten pack of cards, $1 Quickie games and $1 Early Bird Game.
Tuesday, March 7
Lassen County Arts Council will be holding a Youth Drawing Class with instructor Corey O’Brien. The course will be each Tuesday from March 7th to May 16th and will be from 2:30 – 4:00 p.m., at the Gallery at 807 Cottage Street. The cost for the course is $75.00.
Tuesday, March 7
Lassen Lit Rocks holds free adult reading classes every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Tuesday’s classes are held at the Lassen Library and Thursday’s classes are held at Shaffer School. For more information please call the library at 530-257-7471.
Tuesday, March 7
Lassen Family Services Parenting Group 3:00 – 4:00pm at Lassen Family Services, 1306 Riverside Dr. Parenting Group classes are designed to help reduce chaos and power struggles within families. Learn an approach to parenting that is both simple and effective. All classes are free but space is limited. Please contact Heather at 530-257-4599 for more information.
Wednesday, March 8
Lassen County Arts Council will be holding a Community Service Art Class with instructor Michael Giampaoli. The course will be each Wednesday from March 1 to May 17th and will be from 1:30 – 4:30 p.m., at the Gallery at 807 Cottage Street. The cost for the semester is $75.00.
Wednesday, March 8
Knights of Columbus Wednesday Night Bingo. 5:30 – 7:30p.m., dinner, 6:30 pm early bird bingo, 7:00p.m., regular bingo games. Proceeds go to scholarships and aid for other no-profit organizations. Monsignor Moran Hall, 140 N. Weatherlow Street. For more information, please call Richard (530) 249-0022.
Wednesday, March 8
Lassen Community College presents: Women in History: Honoring Women in Business and Labor. This event will be held 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in Middleton Hall. Guest speakers will be Lassen County Superior Court Presiding Judge, Michele Verderosa and singer/songwriter, Becky Beistline-PoulsenThere is no cost for this event and refreshments will be served.
Thursday, March 9
Lassen County Arts Council will be holding a Youth Drawing Class with instructor Corey O’Brien. The course will be each Thursday from March to May and will be from 3:00 – 4:00 p.m., at the Gallery at 807 Cottage Street. The cost for the course is $75.00.
Thursday, March 9
Lassen Lit Rocks holds free adult reading classes every Tuesday and Thursday from 4:30 – 6:00 p.m. Tuesday’s classes are held at the Lassen Library and Thursday’s classes are held at Shaffer School. For more information please call the library at 530-257-7471.
Thursday, March 9
Lassen Ale Works invites you to an evening social to benefit the Lassen Land and Trails Trust at LAW’s brand new brew pub, The Boardroom, located at 702-000 Johnstonville Road in Susanville. A $25 ticket will get you into the event and entitles you to 2 beers and a pizza or salad. All profits will go to the Lassen Land and Trails Trust to support their conservation and trail activities in our region. The event runs from 4:00 to 9:00 p.m. Tickets are on sale at the Pioneer Saloon (724 Main St, Susanville). Only 150 tickets will be sold so stop by soon to get your tickets today.
Friday, March 10
Honey Lake Assembly of God invites you to MOPS/MOMS NEXT meeting from 9:30-11:30am at the Honey Lake Assembly of God, 464-905 Standish Buntingville Road, Janesville Childcare is provided. The cost is $5 a meeting (to cover cost of crafts). For more information, please call Carrie at (530) 310-1920.
Friday, March 10
Best of Broadway presents: The Road to Ruin 2017 concert series. Shows are at 7:00pm with 2:00p.m., matinee on Saturday at the Veteran’s Memorial Hall. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Marie’s Book Nook and Treats Dog Co. For more information, please call 530-260-6191 or visit
Friday, March 10
Lassen Family Services Parenting Group 9:30 – 10:30pm at Lassen Family Services, 1306 Riverside Dr. Parenting Group classes are designed to help reduce chaos and power struggles within families. Learn an approach to parenting that is both simple and effective. All classes are free but space is limited. Please contact Heather at 530-257-4599 for more information.
Friday, March 10
Lassen Aurora Network Support Group: Wellness Support from 10:00 – 12:00 p.m.
Lassen Aurora Network Support Group: Women’s Group from 1:00 – 2:30 p.m.
Saturday, March 11
Every Bloomin Thing – It’s Thyme to Turnip the Beet! Part I will be from10:00 – 11:00 a.m. Basic of home grown organic vegetable gardening. -Site, Seed Starting, Terminology, Transplanting, Soils, & Fertilizers. For more information, please contact Melissa McCoy at 530-251-2330.
Saturday, March 11
Best of Broadway presents: The Road to Ruin 2017 concert series. Shows are at 7:00pm with 2:00p.m., matinee on Saturday at the Veteran’s Memorial Hall. Tickets are $10 and can be purchased at Marie’s Book Nook and Treats Dog Co. For more information, please call 530-260-6191 or visit
Saturday, March 11
Standish 4-H Annual Indian Taco Feed will be held from 5:00 – 8:00p.m. at the Standish 4-H Hall, 718-880 Hwy 395 E Standish. They will have a famous homemade dessert auction and door prizes. Tickets are $7 for single and $25 for family (2 adults and 4 kids). Bowl of beans is $2 and Fry Bread is $3. Call us at 530-310-1993 or 530-310-3178 for take-out from 3:00 – 8:00 p.m.
Saturday, March 11
Every Bloomin Thing – Terrariums to Brighten Your Home will be from 2:00 – 3:00 p.m. T Make & Take Class- Choice of Styles includes Petite Glass Hanging $25, Small Glass Tabletop $45, Large Glass Tabletop $65. For more information, please contact Melissa McCoy at 530-251-2330
Monday, March 13
Westwood Bingo is every Monday night at 125 Birch St., in Westwood. $10 per ten pack of cards, $1 Quickie games and $1 Early Bird Game.