Patti Hagata, Executive Director
Artisan Coffee will team up with Pizza Factory and Steve’s Pumps to co-host the Thursday, September 8th, Chamber Mixer. The mixer will be held at Artisan Coffee, located at 644-400 Church Street, Janesville (corner of Hwy. 395 and Church Street). Come join area businesses as they celebrate the continued growth of the Janesville business community.
The mixer will be held from 5:30 to 7:30pm and will include a delicious BBQ, live music, and a variety of local artists work will be on display. A special feature at this year’s mixer will be “Rat’s Radical Ice cream”. You do not need to be a Chamber member to attend everyone is welcomed.
The Chamber board will meet on Thursday, September 8th, for the monthly board meeting, beginning at noon, at the Susanville Pizza Factory. The board encourages public attendance and comment; if you would like to address the board please contact the office staff prior to the board meeting so that you can be added to the agenda. Included on the agenda will be a final event report from the Balloon Race Committee.
The Chamber board will welcome Fred Nagel to his first board meeting since being elected last month to the board of directors. Fred is the retired president of NST Engineering, current LMUD Director, and former Lassen County Planning Commissioner. He brings a background of over forty years of business ownership and community leadership.
LMUD will be hosting their 4th annual “Customer Appreciation Celebration” on Friday, September 9, 2011, from 11am till 1:30pm. The event will be held at the LMUD main office located at 65 South Roop Street, Susanville. Take this opportunity to interact with the LMUD Board members, management, and staff.
As their way of thanking their customers they will be serving complimentary hot dogs, drinks, chips, and cookies. The first 100 customers will take home free energy efficiency kit. Customers will also have the chance to enter a drawing for a chance to win energy saving merchandise and an EnergyStar LCD TV.
Celebrate National Public Lands Day by joining an effort to clean up the river systems throughout the Sierra Nevada by participating locally in the Great Sierra River Cleanup on Saturday, September 17, 2011, 9am to 12noon. Individuals or groups of any size and age are welcomed to join in.
An appreciation celebration will be held at Memorial Park immediately following the event. The cleanup event is being organized by Lassen Land and Trails Trust, Sierra Nevada Conservancy, and the BLM. To pre-register to help with the clean up effort log on to or call LLTT at 257-3252.