Patti Hagata, Executive Director
Mark your calendar to attend the Thursday, May 18, 2017 Chamber Mixer that will be hosted by Anytime Fitness, from 5:30 to 7:30pm, at 2635 Main Street, Susanville. You do not need to be a Chamber member to attend; everyone is welcomed to stop by to mingle with friends and business associates. We hope to see you there!
The Chamber board is accepting applications to fill a board vacancy. Chamber members who are interested in helping to promote the business community and Lassen County by serving on the board are encouraged to apply. Stop by the Chamber office for an application or contact the chamber staff, at 257-4323, to have an application forwarded to you. Applications must be returned by Monday, June 5, 2017.
After a few hectic days of moving we are back up and operating at our new Chamber Visitor Center located at 1516 Main Street, Susanville. The Chamber office is open Monday thru Friday, 9am to 4pm. This move was made possible thanks to a generous sponsorship provided by Diamond Mountain Casino and Hotel. Our phone number has not changed we can still can be reached by calling 257-4323 or via email [email protected]. The Chamber staff is available to provide information to those visiting the community and who are looking for area and business information. You can also check us out on the web at or Facebook -“Lassen Chamber”.
Is your business in compliance? The Chamber still has a small quantity of 2017 Labor Law posters available for sale. The poster features all required federal and state notices on one poster. California employers are required to post updated employment posters at each place of business. Stop by the Chamber office to purchase one for your business.