Patti Hagata, Executive Director
The Chamber board will meet on Thursday, October 9 for the monthly board meeting, beginning at noon, at Diamond Mountain Casino in the Hotel Conference Room. The board encourages member attendance and comment; if you would like to address the board please contact the office staff prior to the board meeting so that you can be added to the agenda.
The Chamber board is accepting applications to fill two board vacancies; one is an immediate opening for a term expiring in December 2016; the second board opening will begin in January 2015 and the term will expire in December 2017. Chamber members who are interested in helping to promote the business community and Lassen County by serving on the board are encouraged to apply. Applications are available at the Chamber office, located at 75 North Weatherlow Street. Contact the chamber staff, at 257-4323, for more information or to have an application forwarded to you.
Be sure that the Chamber’s information center has an adequate supply of your business cards and brochures on hand to promote your business throughout the year. This is a free marketing service that is available to all Chamber members.
If your business or organization has a special event planned please let us know so that we can add the event information to the calendar. This is a free service provided to the entire community. For a complete list of events planned in Lassen County log on to