Lassen Fire Safe Council is applying for another round of Cal-FIRE Forest Health Grants focused on reforesting lands within last year’s local fire footprints. One of these grants will be the Dixie Fire East Reforestation Project.
The Dixie Fire East project includes land impacted by the Beckwourth Complex fires, including lands within the wildland urban interface zones in vicinity of the communities of Susanville, Janesville, Milford and Doyle in Eastern Lassen and Plumas Counties.
Last year, LFSC was awarded their first reforestation funds to restore the damage done from the Hog and Sheep Fires that impacted the outskirts of Susanville, CA in 2020. As those projects successfully move forward, LFSC has decided to expand their reforestation efforts and address the catastrophic impacts of the 2021 Dixie and Beckwourth Complex Fires.
If you are interested in learning more, and potentially wish to sign up for reforestation treatments, please contact Tom Esgate, LFSC Managing Director by March 2nd, 2022. LFSC will attempt to include as many landowners as possible in their grant application.
Esgate can be reached at (530) 310-0146 or [email protected].