The Lassen National Forest is seeking public comments as part of the preparation to reissue powerline right-of-way authorizations issued to Pacific Gas and Electric Company (PG&E). These powerlines serve local communities adjacent to and within the Lassen National Forest. The current authorizations have exceeded their expiration dates and/or need to be consolidated under Master Special Use Authorizations for more efficient management by PG&E and the Forest Service.
The Forest Service plans to allow PG&E to continue maintaining the electric grid for safe and reliable operation while mitigating effects to plants, animals, aquatic features, endangered species habitats, cultural sites and other sensitive resources. PG&E is required to maintain the electric grid to specific standards for compliance with several state and federal laws and regulations, including California Public Utility Commission requirements.
Existing authorizations will be consolidated into two Master Special Use Authorizations. The replacement authorizations will include various resource protection measures and best management practices to be developed during the environmental analysis to facilitate efficient maintenance activities while protecting natural and cultural resources. This action does not authorize any changes to facilities, alignments, or to the capacity of the electric grid. Facilities considered in this analysis have been previously authorized with various special use permits, easements, or statutory rights and are eligible for continuance.
The Forest Service recognizes the importance of electric system infrastructure and the key role that National Forest System lands play in providing electric service to the public.
The Lassen National Forest is initiating a 30-day public scoping period. Comments will be accepted until May 1, 2018. We welcome public comments, during the scoping period, concerning potential issues and impacts related to the proposed action. The most helpful comments are those that demonstrate a cause and effect relationship between the proposed action and potential impacts.
Written comments may be submitted by email to: Tim Cardoza at [email protected]. Please put “PG&E, Lassen National Forest” in the subject line of your email. If you are unable to send comments electronically, you may send them to the following address:
Tim Cardoza
US Forest Service
Attn: PG&E
631 Coyote Street
Nevada City, CA 95959
You may also contact Mr. Cardoza by phone at (530) 478-6210