Don’t forget to reserve your copy of the yearbook for $95 before the next price increase on February 3rd.
Do you have a sibling at the high school? If so, submit a photo to Mrs. Schall for the yearbook’s siblings page.
Junior Class of 2026 – Deposits for your Senior Trip are being accepted now through February 28th. Please see Sara in the Attendance office for more information.
Interested in competing in Track & Field? There will be a mandatory lunch meeting Tuesday, January 28th, in Mr. Geoia’s room 769.
Baseball & Softball Open Gyms are being held every Saturday through February 8th, in the small gym.
Varsity Softball 10:00 to 12:00
JV Softball 12:00 to 2:00pm (through 2/1)
Baseball 2:00 to 4:00
The Junior Prom will be held January 25th at the Elks Lodge from 8:00 to midnight. Tickets are $25 per person or $40 per couple. There is a $3 discount with your ASB card on presale tickets only.
Boys Golf – Please plan on attending a short mandatory meeting (5 minutes) in Mr Ernaga’s room, 755, at the beginning of lunch on Wednesday, January 29th.