Today, February 4th, go grab breakfast, lunch or a sweet treat after school at the Blue Ox Bistro in uptown Susanville, 20% of all sales will go to help the LHS Drill Team.
Do you have a sibling here at the high school? If so, submit a photo to Mrs. Schall for the yearbook sibling’s page.
If you took the ASVAB, test score reading will be this Thursday, February 6th at 8:00a.m. in the Library Computer Lab.
Junior Class of 2026 – Deposits for your Senior Trip are being accepted now through February 28th. Please see Sara in the Attendance office for more information.
Juniors, would you like to run for ASB office your Senior year? Make sure you have ASB on your Senior class schedule and see which position would interest you.
President – Run meetings and handle executive decisions.
Vice President – Looks over finances & delegated jobs of Pres.
Secretary – Takes minutes for meetings.
Director of Assemblies – Plan & host assemblies (Boy & Girl)
Social Media – Runs all social media platforms.
There will be a Softball meeting on Wednesday, February 5th, at the beginning of lunch at the front gate. Please contact Dan Paez with any questions.
Varsity Softball Open Gym this Saturday, February 8th, from 10:00a.m. to noon in the small gym.
Baseball Open Gyms will be after school every Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday until tryouts.
The following scholarships can be found in the Counseling Office:
American AgCredit
Behavioral Health Studies
Cabrillo State Scholarship
California Retired Teachers’ Association, Division 76
California State Retirees
Former Senior Club
Johnstonville Teacher’s Association
Julie McQueen Charter Members Memorial
Kirack Construction
LCF Bob Levada Memorial
LCF Glen Wemple Memorial
LCF Robert Middleton Memorial
LCF Robert Shepherd Memorial Communications
Lassen Association of Realtors
Lassen College Foundation
Lassen Farm Bureau and Elliot Dow Scholarship
Lassen FBLA
Local $1000 Business Plan Award
Loretta Stone Memorial Scholarship
Monticola Club Memorial
Monticola Club Spencer Memorial
Monticola Club Vocational
Native Daughters of the Golden West
Zellamae Miles Community Service Award