Freshman interested in running for a class office please see Ms. Huber or Ms. Sara in the office or one of the ASB teachers to get a class officer application. They are due this Friday, August 26th.
Stop by the ASB office and purchase an ASB sticker to get into games, dances and other activities at a lower price.
Juniors This is your last chance to get a parking spot. As of September 19th, they will start being sold to sophomores. See Carol to pay for your spot and bring your receipt to Mrs. Schall.
The first Culinary Club meeting will be during both lunches next Tuesday, August 30th. If you have any interest at all, please show up to room 116 with Mrs. Reger. No cooking skills required.
Reserve a copy of the yearbook at the lowest price of the year. $85.00 if purchased before September 30th. See Carol in the ASB office.
The LHS Gaming Club will start meeting next week. The date is to be announced.
August Teen Court Open House Meeting will be held tonight, August 25th, at 5:30 at the Hall of Justice.
SAVE The Date! Fall Prom 2022 November 5th.
Deadline to sign-up to take the SAT at LHS is September 2nd and the test will be given on November 5th.
Girls Golf: Anyone interested in playing girls’ golf should be at the golf course today, August 25th at 3:30. You need to be cleared through Home Campus to be able to play. If you have questions, see Coach Ernaga in room 755.