The Lassen High School District is celebrating results of their most recent academic testing performance.
The district improved its API score, the measure of academic performance and growth of schools on a variety of academic measures, by 25 points over the previous year.
Lassen High itself increased 21 points over last year from 758 to 779 which, according to Superintendent Todd Cutler, is the high school’s largest increase on record.
Said Cutler, “We were able to reduce the non-proficient students by 12%, and we made AYP in all areas.” AYP is the average yearly progress set down by federal guidelines for all schools across the country.
Cutler also had more good news on the budget front. “Over the last few months, as we’ve been finalizing expenses and closing out the books from 2010/2011, it became apparent that we were going to finish with less deficit spending than anticipated. Then, it looked like we might actually end up at zero,”
“As things progressed, we were becoming excited to think that we might finish in the black. Well, when all was said and done, we ended up with a positive balance of over $159,000!”
Cutler and the high school district will be celebrating their academic and budgetary victories at a special board meeting next Tuesday, September 27th. The meeting will begin at 6:30, but the celebration will begin shortly after 7:00.