Projects must benefit National Forest System lands and ecosystems in Lassen County. The projects must have broad-based support with objectives that may include, but are not limited to: road, trail, and infrastructure maintenance or obliteration; soil productivity improvements; improvements in forest ecosystem health; watershed restoration and maintenance; wildlife and fish habitat improvements; control of noxious and exotic weeds; reintroduction of native species, and hazardous fuels reduction.
“We strongly encourage the local community to submit project proposals that help protect, restore, enhance and benefit National Forest System lands in Lassen County,” said Deb Bumpus, Forest Supervisor, LNF. “These projects enable local residents to have a meaningful role in deciding how federal funds are spent on public lands.”
The RAC will review applications and provide their recommendations to the Lassen National Forest Supervisor for funding decision. All RAC project proposals must be closely coordinated early in the process with the Forest Supervisor, appropriate Ranger District representatives and other key partners during the application process. Projects that don’t include a coordination letter with support from the applicable District Ranger will not be considered.
A hard copy application package must be submitted no later than July 21st, 2020 addressed to the Lassen RAC, c/o Lassen National Forest, 2550 Riverside Drive, Susanville, CA 96130, Attn: Mark Gaston. For information about the Lassen National Forest, copies of the application and critical related instructions, visit: