Are you a young man or woman, 15-18 years of age, interested in summer employment working outside? Then you might be interested to know that the Lassen National Forest is seeking applicants for its Youth Conservation Corps program this summer.
YCC enrollees will complete needed conservation work on public lands and have the opportunity to develop an appreciation for the natural environment. Learning about the environment is an important part of the YCC program.
The program is an eight-week working session for local youth to gain insights into resource management. The emphasis will be on a hands-on learning experience through participation in a variety of work situations with specific outcomes that benefit the Forest’s natural resources.
Projects will include environmental education, with resource specialists conducting field trip learning sessions. Project work may include: campground maintenance and renovation; trail maintenance and repair; noxious weed removal; planting to rehabilitate washout areas; and range and fish habitat improvement.
Four to five youths will be selected for hire through a random drawing. Both males and females will be selected. Each youth hired for the crew will be paid $8.00 per hour for a 40-hour week for a period of eight weeks.
YCC applications must be submitted in “hard copy” (paper) form. Email applications will not be accepted. The deadline for YCC applications is May 1st, 2012, received by mail or hand-delivered to the Lassen National Forest Supervisor’s Office at 2550 Riverside Drive, Susanville, CA, 96130.
Employment will begin June 17th and go through August 10th, 2012. The selected YCC crew members will meet each morning at 7:00 a.m. at the Lassen National Forest’s warehouse on 5th Street in Susanville. Enrollees will need to provide their own daily transportation to the warehouse.
Because this is a crew work environment, enrollees must be on time each day. The Forest will provide vehicles for transportation to project work sites. 
Each selected applicant must wear work boots and proper work clothes, and provide their own lunch. Applicants must be prepared for hard physical work in an outdoor environment, in rough terrain, and under potentially adverse weather conditions.
A mandatory meeting will be held in mid-May to review the program with enrollees and their parents or guardians, and to complete required program paperwork and learn more about the expectations and duties of the job.
Interested persons may obtain an application by visiting the Lassen National Forest Supervisor’s Office or by accessing For more information, contact Paula Dante, YCC Coordinator, at 530-252-6602.