The Lassen National Forest published the Notice of Availability for the Revised Final Environmental Impact Statement and Record of Decision in the Federal Register on May 27, 2022.
Publishing the NOA of the RFEIS and ROD in the Federal Register initiates a 30-day waiting period which must be observed before the Responsible Official may sign the Final ROD.
Once signed, the ROD will designate specific areas and trails (groomed and non-groomed) on the LNF that are open to Over-Snow Vehicle Use Designation Project by visitors of varying skill levels and ensures a balanced approach for the need to designate specific delineated areas.
These specifically delineated areas are where both motorized and non-motorized recreational users can equally enjoy opportunities to recreate while protecting threatened, endangered, and forest-sensitive species wherever necessary.
“This completes a planning process desired by our visitors to the LNF for several years,” said Deb Bumpus, Forest Supervisor, LNF. “I believe this decision has something
that pleases everyone.”
As part of the NEPA process, an opportunity to object to the RFEIS and ROD was offered in April 2018. A total of 16 objection letters were received and reviewed by Regional Office staff. The Forest Supervisor responded to these objections by revising and clarifying issues in the RFEIS and ROD in response to instructions received by the Deputy Regional Forester.
In comparison to the draft ROD, the final ROD focuses on clarifying for the public those areas that will be open to motorized recreational use as opposed to closed, balances the needs of and opportunities for non-motorized recreationists, and protecting key wildlife habitat on the forest.
More information about the Over-Snow Vehicle Use Designation Project, including the Revised Final Environmental Impact Statement, Record of Decision and maps are available online at