Lassen Community College Superintendent/President Trevor Albertson announced Monday that he will be leaving his position at the college next month. He was named President in May of 2021 after serving in the position on an interim basis beginning in 2019, originally coming to LCC in 2018 to serve as the Dean of Instruction.
“As many of you now know,” Albertson said in a letter addressed to colleagues at the school, “I have decided to move forward and will be stepping down as your Superintendent/President in the middle of next month.
“I have to say, I am going to miss this place – and more importantly, all of you. You gave me both a reason to come to work in the morning and the motivation for undertaking the duties of this position.
“I took an oath when I was appointed to this position, and I have made it my mission to live up to that oath to the best of my ability, each and every day; I did so because I saw all of you, our students, and those living and working in our region doing that same thing in their daily work and familial tasks. Because of that, I could not accept from myself anything less than a genuine commitment to serve them all as best as I was able.
“We have been through a great deal as a team. But through it all, you never failed to impress me with your commitment to the mission, character, and old-fashioned hard work. You all are the reason this college has been successful and will continue to be in the years ahead.
“To be certain, each of you and this college will forever be a part of me… and I hope me a small part of it. I will cherish the memory of my time here and what each of you and your efforts have meant–and will continue to mean–to me. Thank you.”