A SusanvilleStuff Sports Feature
by Niki Cunningham, Sports Director
Calling all parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and anyone interested in volunteering in Susanville Little League. There are positions open on the little league board for the 2012-2013 season. These positions are what make Little League possible for the youth in our community.
Many of you have taken time out of your busy schedules to coach, umpire, be a team mom and other things to help your child’s teams. But this year Susanville Little League needs the parents of our community to actively participate as board members.
Without the commitment of board members by the next board meeting, this Thursday November 15th, it is possible that the season could be cancelled. Yes, you read that correct, cancelled. Could you imagine? A season of no little league? Kids from ages 4-16 with no baseball?
Now is the time to dig deep and do what we do here in Lassen County……….step up and help out. Those of you who have children involved in Little League, consider accepting a seat on the board. If you are interested please be at the board meeting Thursday November 15 at 7:00pm at the Little League field.