Legion Men Join in Ceremony at Susanville
April 15, 1926
Joining forces, American Legion men from Susanville and Reno laid the cornerstone of the Lassen Legion Memorial at Susanville yesterday, more than forty members of Darrell Dunkle post of Reno, driving up to the Lassen town.
The principal speech of the day was made by Judge Thomas Moran of Reno. He dwelt on the friendliness between the northern part of California and Nevada and paid a touching tribute to the late John E. Raker, California congressman.
H. G. Mathewson, representing the department commander of California and E. F. Koken, Lassen county road supervisor, also spoke, George Winchester, commander of Thomas Tucker post of Susanville, presided and the cornerstone ceremonies were opened with a prayer by H. C Lind, Thomas Tucker post adjutant.
The ceremonies were simple but were taken part in by all civic and fraternal orders of Susanville and legion men from Westwood attended.
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