Susanville People to Go Western
August 14, 1945
The sheriff’s posse, sponsoring the rodeo and horse show in Susanville Sept 1, 2 and 3, is asking all townspeople to wear western outfits for the week of Aug 27. Full outfits, or just colorful shirts, jeans and neckerchiefs will help prepare for the rodeo, Al Bantley of the posse says.
Prize money is totaling $2500, plus entrance fees is offered contestants this year. Approximately $310 will go to the parade; $650 to the horse show; $780, plus fees, to the racers and $700 plus fees to the rodeo. A new feature this year will be the wild cow milking.
A number of outside show horses are expected here this year, many coming from down the valley. Several race horses have already been entered. A rodeo office has been opened at the Doyle Motor Co. where tickets are on sale, entrants can sign up and information obtained.
The grounds are being put into shape for the rodeo. Sunday 30 of the posse members worked cleaning up and starting work on a new link fence which will be put in front of the grandstand. Another change being made is a straightaway to the north of the grandstand. This will provide added distance for some races and a straight stretch for sprint events.