Michigan Man Buys Advocate
August 26, 1945
After two years as editor and publisher of the Lassen Advocate at Susanville, during which time he made the periodical one of the outstanding weekly newspapers on the west coast, Ted Friend, who left Broadway to become a country editor, has sold the property to Lawrence E Towe of Ann Arbor, Mich.
Towe, well known in Michigan newspaper circles has resigned as head of the news bureau of the University of Michigan to return to the weekly newspaper field. At one time Towe was publisher of a weekly newspaper in Jonesville, Mich.
Ted Friend, who bought the Lassen advocate from Ross Draper, was a member of the New York Mirror staff for 12 years, where he held the post of amusement editor and manager. He has not announced his future plans.
The deal was transacted by Arthur W. Stypes, well known San Francisco and newspaper broker.