Fine Auto Road May Connect Two Places
December 10, 1916Â
Thoroughfare from Susanville And Reno Will Be Built if County Will Do Its Share
Providing Washoe county will do its share, one of the finest automobile roads in the country will connect Susanville and other parts of Lassen, Modoc and Northern counties with Reno is the word conveyed to the county commissioners of Washoe County by A. J. Mathews, member of the California legislature from Lassen County and one of the boosters of the Northern California city.
Mathews was in Reno Saturday and spent the greater part of the day in company with County Commissioner R. B. Henrichs discussing the road situation. He said that Lassen county was going to bond itself to build a good road to Washoe county line providing Washoe county will build a road to meet it.
There will be other roads constructed in the county but the one towards Reno will be of the best. Mathews and other prominent men of Lassen County are behind the proposed bond issue and they realize that Reno is the gateway to the entire Northern country.
It is expected that the county commissioners of Washoe County will provide for building the road from Reno to the county line.
A good road from Susanville to the Washoe county line is one of the aims of the residents of Lassen County.