Susanville Plans Christmas Party
December 11, 1949
Susanville volunteer firemen are going to erect a giant Christmas tree Sunday at the intersection of Main and Lassen streets. Members of the fire department will go out in the woods and get the tree which will be donated by the Paul Bunyan Lumber Co.
Plans are also being completed for the annual Christmas tree and theater party sponsored jointly by the volunteer fire department and the Sierra theater, Friday, Dec 23.
A movie show will be given at 10 am. For all pre-school children; those through the fourth grade and for students of Honey Lake Valley schools. At 1 p.m. of the same day another show will be given for fifth, sixth, seventh and eight graders.
All other school students may see the show at 3 p.m. Harold Grayson, assistant fore chief, will be in charge of the affair. The firemen will distribute candy and fruit to the youngsters at the parties.