Meet to Review Bicycle Ordinance
February 15, 1945
In view of achieving a better observance and enforcement of the Susanville bicycle ordinance, which was passed in 1942, a meeting was held at McKinley school on January 29 with Clyde Merton, principal of Susanville elementary schools, presiding.
Those in attendance at the meeting included; Fred McClellan, highway patrol officer; Nate Holmes. Constable; Perle Long, night watchman; Tro Emerson, supervisor; Mrs. Alice Kirkpatrick and Mrs. Gwen Edgecomb, junior traffic supervisors at McKinley and Roosevelt schools; Mrs. Bonnie Borden, elementary PTE president; Mrs. F. D. Husman, high school PTA representative.
Law enforcement agencies present at the meeting agreed that more rigid enforcement of bicycle laws are necessary, and that their respective departments will “bear down” on these bicycle violators.