Lassen Airport Being Improved
February 28th, 1941
Work began here today developing Susanville airport to meet the requirements of the United States Aeronautical Authority, which has contracted with the Lassen Union high school and junior college to train classes of 20 in private flying.
The supervisors here yesterday appropriated $600 to aid the city of Susanville, and the high school trustees in the improvements required by the government before it will pay $365 for every licensed pilot turned out by the local school.
Mayor E. P. Honsberger of Susanville announces that a building recently acquired by the city is being moved to the airport and fitted out as a classroom and administration building for the use of aviation students.
Al Reese and Dale Soule, in charge of flying instructions at the airport, are flooring a large hanger in which they keep five planes. They are further meeting government requirements, in the construction of a machine shop to be available to a full time certified aviation mechanic employed by the school board of trustees.
Permanent improvements to meet all government requirements are assured by Mayor Honsberger.
N. H. McCollom, principal of the high school and college, declares that after government inspection of the port improvements on March 12, a class of 20 students desiring to become licensed civil pilots will begin ground school work here.