Steer Escapes! Mystery Solved
January 14, 1932
Chalk up another point for Sheriff Leavitt! Here’s a red hot mystery recently uncovered and solved by Jim and his force…
The story is this – Sunday morning, upon visiting his slaughterhouse located on the north-east outskirt of Susanville, on the Alturas road, Bob Winchester, owner of the Honey Lake Meat Market, discovered that a nice big beef steer was missing from the corral.
Bob became irritated – he pictured a truck backing up to the shoot (by which stock is unloaded from trucks into the corral) in the middle of the night, and silently but swiftly urging Mr. Steer to “Take a ride” – Yes, Bob imagined all sorts of things, but he really did believe that the animal was stolen.
Enter, Sheriff Leavitt – Jim kept very cool under the trying situation. He put on the old thinking cap and analyzed the situation.
He saw no car tracks and no steer tracks near the scene of escape. He said to himself, “I’ll bet that animal just walked out on its own accord.”
Well, apparently Jim was right, for word was received from the Cramer ranch that a steer had been camping there for a couple of days and was not paying for his board. Winchester identified the animal and Sheriff Leavitt now has one more weird mystery tale to relate to his grandchildren. Nice work Jim.